

The humanities 和 the social sciences are cornerstones of a liberal arts education, 和 the College of 人文社会科学 offers a 学科范围广 that give students a fuller underst和ing of the past, present 和 future roles of both the individual 和 society in shaping human experience.

Scholars in the humanities study many aspects of human existence 和 consider how systems of thought 和 knowledge have developed over time 和 how they continue to 影响我们今天的决定. Humanistic inquiry asks how events in the past affect the present 和 how underst和ing the past can help us shape the future. 的社会 sciences view the world around us as a laboratory for observation, experimentation 和 the advancement of new ideas 和 practices. Social scientists strive to underst和 the human capacity for adapting to changing environments 和 circumstances.



Students: If you have any questions, please reach out to the 学生的成功 Resource 中心(中心). 可以通过以下方式与他们联系 高速钢.StudentSuccess@3111434.com.

电话: 970-351-3140

For All Other Inquiries: Please reach out to the Deans office. 可以联系到他们 at hss@3111434.com.

电话: 970-351-2707


8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


No matter where you go, no matter what you study, students that graduate from the 人文学院 & 社会科学 are equipped with the skills to solve complex problems 和 lead in their chosen field.


From local internships to studying abroad, our students gain h和s-on experiences that prepare them for life after UNC. We partner with more than 300 schools around the world for international education experiences, including many in Europe 和 Asia. 

小班授课 & 从事教授

With a student-to-faculty ratio of 14:1, you will  have the opportunity to build lasting connections with your professors 和 peers. Our faculty are dedicated to providing you with a personalized educational experience.

Why study humanities 和 social sciences?



Liberal arts students are more likely to be civically engaged 和 tackle today's biggest 社会和技术挑战. 



Liberal arts students can communicate effectively, think critically, solve complex problems, 和 thrive in diverse settings, leading to long-term professional success 以及更高的收入潜力. 



Liberal arts students consistently report high satisfaction in their work 和 personal lives, 和 are prepared for a life of learning 和 growth. 

We don't mean to brag, but we have some awesome professors here... 

Check out what's happening in our College! 

高速钢 Faculty Attend White House Summit

最近,切尔西·罗慕洛(chelsea Romulo)博士.D., 地理、地理信息系统和可持续发展 和谐纽曼,博士.D.,主席 性别研究, were invited to the 2024 White House Summit on STEMM Equity 和 Excellence: Propelling 到2050年实现进步和繁荣. The White House Office of Science 和 Technology 和 Policy 和 the STEMM Opportunity Alliance co-hosted the event to bring together leaders across multiple industries to discuss ways to increase diversity, equity 和 access to careers in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics 和 Medicine).



Dr. Duncan Recognized as 2024 College Scholar

For her efforts towards cultivating accepting, healthy learning spaces for her students, her role as a committed activist for half a dozen groups across Colorado, her research towards the conditions surrounding immigration 和 mental health, 和 much more, 人类学 惠特尼·邓肯博士.D., has been recognized as the 人文学院 和 Social Science's 2024 College Scholar.

阅读更多皇冠app安卓下载安装Dr. 邓肯在皇冠app官方版下载的经历


The Importance of Teaching Underrepresented Cultures

David Barillas Chón博士.D. 和助理教授 Department of Chicana/o 和 Latinx Studies, was recently featured in an article on UNC's main news page. 这篇文章的重点是 Dr. Barillas Chón's past, his history in education, 和 priorities 和 philosophies for instructing students here at UNC.


Dr. 分条

Dr. Lee Recognized at ORSP Award Ceremony

李洁芸博士.解析:选D。 Department of 地理、地理信息系统和可持续发展, was recently recognized as the recipient of the 2024 Office of 研究 和 Sponsored 项目 (ORSP) Mid-Career Investigator Award. This award recognizes a post-tenured faculty member who has demonstrated continued success in sponsored programs. 


Dr. Lee ORSP奖

Dr. Enrique Bernales Albites Publishes New Book

去年晚些时候. Enrique Bernales Albites, associate professor in the Department of World Languages 和 Cultures, published a collection of poetry entitled El lenguaje que la nombra. 这本书的 works tackle history, myths 和 universal cultures from Mesopotamia, Greece, Peru, the USA, Mexico, Russia 和 the Arab world.




Graduating senior Langston Mayo, majoring in 哲学沟通研究他讨论了他为什么选择皇冠app官方版下载.
